Variables and Data Types
8 min read
- Authors
- Name
- Karan Pratap Singh
- @karan_6864

Table of Contents
In this tutorial, we will learn about variables. We will also learn about the different data types that Go provides us.
Let's start with declaring a variable.
This is also known as declaration without initialization:
var foo string
Declaration with initialization:
var foo string = "Go is awesome"
Multiple declarations:
var foo, bar string = "Hello", "World"
// OR
var (
foo string = "Hello"
bar string = "World"
Type is omitted but will be inferred:
var foo = "What's my type?"
Shorthand declaration, here we omit var
keyword and type is always implicit. This is how we will see variables being declared most of the time. We also use the :=
for declaration plus assignment.
foo := "Shorthand!"
Note: Shorthand only works inside function
We can also declare constants with the const
keyword. Which as the name suggests, are fixed values that cannot be reassigned.
const constant = "This is a constant"
It is also important to note that, only constants can be assigned to other constants.
const a = 10
const b = a // ✅ Works
var a = 10
const b = a // ❌ a (variable of type int) is not constant (InvalidConstInit)
Data Types
Perfect! Now let's look at some basic data types available in Go. Starting with string.
In Go, a string is a sequence of bytes. They are declared either using double quotes or backticks which can span multiple lines.
var name string = "My name is Go"
var bio string = `I am statically typed.
I was designed at Google.`
Next is bool
which is used to store boolean values. It can have two possible values - true
or false
var value bool = false
var isItTrue bool = true
We can use the following operators on boolean types
Type | Syntax |
Logical | && || ! |
Equality | == != |
Numeric types
Now, let's talk about numeric types.
Signed and Unsigned integers
Go has several built-in integer types of varying sizes for storing signed and unsigned integers
The size of the generic int
and uint
types are platform-dependent. This means it is 32-bits wide on a 32-bit system and 64-bits wide on a 64-bit system.
var i int = 404 // Platform dependent
var i8 int8 = 127 // -128 to 127
var i16 int16 = 32767 // -2^15 to 2^15 - 1
var i32 int32 = -2147483647 // -2^31 to 2^31 - 1
var i64 int64 = 9223372036854775807 // -2^63 to 2^63 - 1
Similar to signed integers, we have unsigned integers.
var ui uint = 404 // Platform dependent
var ui8 uint8 = 255 // 0 to 255
var ui16 uint16 = 65535 // 0 to 2^16
var ui32 uint32 = 2147483647 // 0 to 2^32
var ui64 uint64 = 9223372036854775807 // 0 to 2^64
var uiptr uintptr // Integer representation of a memory address
If you noticed, there's also an unsigned integer pointer uintptr
type, which is an integer representation of a memory address. It is not recommended to use this, so we don't have to worry about it.
So which one should we use?
It is recommended that whenever we need an integer value, we should just use int
unless we have a specific reason to use a sized or unsigned integer type.
Byte and Rune
Golang has two additional integer types called byte
and rune
that are aliases for uint8
and int32
data types respectively.
type byte = uint8
type rune = int32
A rune
represents a unicode code point.
var b byte = 'a'
var r rune = '🍕'
Floating point
Next, we have floating point types which are used to store numbers with a decimal component.
Go has two floating point types float32
and float64
. Both type follows the IEEE-754 standard.
The default type for floating point values is float64.
var f32 float32 = 1.7812 // IEEE-754 32-bit
var f64 float64 = 3.1415 // IEEE-754 64-bit
Go provides several operators for performing operations on numeric types.
Type | Syntax |
Arithmetic | + - * / % |
Comparison | == != < > <= >= |
Bitwise | & | ^ << >> |
Increment/Decrement | ++ -- |
Assignment | = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= |= ^= |
There are 2 complex types in Go, complex128
where both real and imaginary parts are float64
and complex64
where real and imaginary parts are float32
We can define complex numbers either using the built-in complex function or as literals.
var c1 complex128 = complex(10, 1)
var c2 complex64 = 12 + 4i
Zero Values
Now let's discuss zero values. So in Go, any variable declared without an explicit initial value is given its zero value. For example, let's declare some variables and see:
var i int
var f float64
var b bool
var s string
fmt.Printf("%v %v %v %q\n", i, f, b, s)
$ go run main.go
0 0 false ""
So, as we can see int
and float
are assigned as 0, bool
as false, and string
as an empty string. This is quite different from how other languages do it. For example, most languages initialize unassigned variables as null or undefined.
This is great, but what are those percent symbols in our Printf
function? As you've already guessed, they are used for formatting and we will learn about them later.
Type Conversion
Moving on, now that we have seen how data types work, let's see how to do type conversion.
i := 42
f := float64(i)
u := uint(f)
fmt.Printf("%T %T", f, u)
$ go run main.go
float64 uint
And as we can see, it prints the type as float64
and uint
Note that this is different from parsing.
Alias types
Alias types were introduced in Go 1.9. They allow developers to provide an alternate name for an existing type and use it interchangeably with the underlying type.
package main
import "fmt"
type MyAlias = string
func main() {
var str MyAlias = "I am an alias"
fmt.Printf("%T - %s", str, str) // Output: string - I am an alias
Defined types
Lastly, we have defined types that unlike alias types do not use an equals sign.
package main
import "fmt"
type MyDefined string
func main() {
var str MyDefined = "I am defined"
fmt.Printf("%T - %s", str, str) // Output: main.MyDefined - I am defined
But wait...what's the difference?
So, defined types do more than just give a name to a type.
It first defines a new named type with an underlying type. However, this defined type is different from any other type, including its underline type.
Hence, it cannot be used interchangeably with the underlying type like alias types.
It's a bit confusing at first, hopefully, this example will make things clear.
package main
import "fmt"
type MyAlias = string
type MyDefined string
func main() {
var alias MyAlias
var def MyDefined
// ✅ Works
var copy1 string = alias
// ❌ Cannot use def (variable of type MyDefined) as string value in variable
var copy2 string = def
fmt.Println(copy1, copy2)
As we can see, we cannot use the defined type interchangeably with the underlying type, unlike alias types.